Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why empire go and get stomac ulcer even they guzzle right?

Why empire go and get stomac ulcer even they guzzle right?
I was told by a doctor that if you run too long between meals your stomach is not in use and the acid sits within your stomach and can cause an spot. He told me to eat more frequently but smaller portions. 6 mini-meals instead of 3 roomy ones.
Genetics, or infection with H. Pylori.
the presence of Helicobacter Pylori microbes can cause ulcer.
Viral infection or anxiety generally motive ulcers so drinking anything has nought to do with getting them but afterwards lots of foods can irritate them.
You can get stomach ulcer for a number of reason,the medical society used to think that solitary stress caused stomach ulcer,but now they own isolated a bacteria by the term of H pylori and the ulcer can be treated next to antibiotics and other meds to heal it.(if it have not perforated)
Stress, anxiety or bacterial infection

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