Monday, October 25, 2010

Yeeast infection?

what happens if u own the symptoms of a yeast infection and then u buy the over the counter medication to treat it without getting tested by a doctor first? and if it turned out NOt to be a yeast infection?Yeeast infection?
It can't exterminate you but I recommend you getting checked out before assuming anything. =)
Go see a naturopathic doctor instead of a medical doctor. They are far more contained by tune with form care.
resourcefully . i will suggest u go to the nearest medical laboratory service and do the question paper called urinalysis . its the cheapest process and painless and very comfortable .
if u have yeast infection, u will found yeast cell in ur urine .
u will given a container for urine . later the container will send to the technician contained by the lab . they will observe underneath microscope to see for the abonormality in ur urine close to pus cells, red blood cell, bacteria and so on . if u hav yeast infection, yeast cell r expected to be seen within hte urine .

its not going to kill u but I would move about see a doctor just to be on the secure side okay

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