Friday, October 22, 2010

Will rubbing alchol eradicate a wood tick?

Answer asap its an emergency!!Will rubbing alchol eradicate a wood tick?
just verbs it off!
if it's lone showing the head move about to the doc and get tested for lime desease
nope, if you own a tick on you, cover it with a big glob of vaseline. It can't breathe and will verbs out by itself, then you can transport it off.
flush or burn it, use alcohol to carry it to back out of the skin so you can take hold of it
i have hear of that but another way i know tthat works is to flimsy a match, blow it out afterwards burn the tick off, this channel it will release itself. GOOD LUCK!
I was performing military training surrounded by the forest and had two ticks within my leg, the first one didn't break skin, but the second actually burrowed within. My medic took drawling sab and caked it on the surface, eventually the tick came out and we be able to dispose of it. But it may exact illness, look for wispy sensitivity and fever. Also, kidney and liver pains. Good luck

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