Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Will I draw from Mono?

So, yesterday, I drank my bestfriend's pepsi for about 3 second. Then, My other friend said it was his and I freaked out. Because he have had mono that reaccurs since 4th class. We're in 8th. So, today I have some mucus in my mouth. What are the probability of my having mono. I know my mom will freak becuse i cant own a boyfriend (and i dont) and she doesnt like me to share drinks.Will I draw from Mono?
It really adjectives depends on what stage of the disease they are in. If your friends within not actively symptomatic ( fever, sore throat, abdoninal pain) consequently the chances are your not going to win it.
the kissing disease occurs surrounded by your throat and is quite simple to treat. if you have a feeling pain contained by your throat when you eat + the mucus, i'd read out you may have be exposed. your mother will be fine once she realizes near are worse diseases you could have caught.
No, most feasible you will not.
The virus is carried in saliva. Not everyone who is exposed to it develops busy infection. It's a wait-and-see game. You may experience nil at all especially if your friend is not in an helpful stage, which I presume he was not.
The Epstein-Barr virus commonly cause mononucleosis and most of us have be exposed to it at some point in our lives. You may already fetch it. It doesn't always rationale a problem.
You *can* get mono - but don't freak out however. It would take like mad for those little germs to survive the hostile enviroment of a PEPSI. That stuff cleans tar rotten cement!
Just so you know, the symptoms of Mono start as a sore throat. A lot like Strep. So if you be aware of tired lately, don't worry. It's probably not Mono. It's probably a short time ago hypochondria. ;)

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