Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wierd pimples?

maby this is disgusting well ive have this pimples around my forehead and when i sqweese them a little white piece comes out but its not kind of approaching liquid how can i nick that off maby it can be my shampoo rigth?Wierd pimples?
Could be your shampoo but more than potential sweat pimples.
Get a anti acne wash and purify your face within that.
Maybe keep your mane off your forehead by gel it up or something.
If nothing works step c ur gp.
Good Luck
Don't apply oil to ur fleece. Avoid exposure to sunlight, sleep well. Don't get through too oily or spicy food and hose ur face near plain water 5-6 times a daylight. Steam could also be of help. Most high-status: don't squeeze those pimples, they could leave scar, and also lead to a outstandingly dangerous condition call cavernous sinus thrombosis (blood clot in a framework of veins present at the back the eyes, also in continuity near the veins of the brain) if too close to the eyes. Bye. TC.

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