Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why is oxybuin anyone used to treat atonic bladder?

Check me here please.
1 An 'atonic bladder' is where the detrusor muscle have been stretched and have lost it's ability to contract usually.
2 Catheterisation is commonly used to empty an atonic bladder.
3 DITROPAN oxybutynin, is an antispasmodic used to treat an overactive bladder.
If these three points are true, later why is oxybuin being used to treat an atonic bladder?Why is oxybuin anyone used to treat atonic bladder?
Although the bladder have lost its tone and does not contract normally, it does still spasm, which increases incontinance and discomfort. the oxybutin help with those things
You are right it shoud not be used for an atonic bladder as the oxybutinsurrounded by causes increase within bladdder sphincter tone and is used for urinary incontinence from an overactive bladder.
There is another medication that causes more squeeze on atonic bladder specifically the opposite of oxybutincontained by

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