Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why my friends saliva is bubling within her mouth while sleeping? pls HELP?

can you give me the specific disease or the rationale of this problem? thank youWhy my friends saliva is bubling within her mouth while sleeping? pls HELP?
this sounds normal - It's not a problem. Seems to me it's single a problem for you so I suggest that you don't watch your friend while she's sleeping - everyone have something they do during sleep, some drool, some talk contained by their sleep, others snore etc. Which do you do?
Geeeez.calm down. She have no disease. Some people burble, drool..it's not a big operate.
Besides how do YOU know what she does in her sleep??
Rabies, possibly. Go to WebMD - www.webmd.com
high-speed lick it up before it's too slowly

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