Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why is my urine pH 7?

I checked my urine on a test strip, and the pH is seven, typical is 5. Also it smells strongly of vinegar, like it is fundamentally sour. All the other tests be normal except that ketones be also present. Can anyone please help me integer the reason why this could be?Why is my urine pH 7?
Hi Smiley
Wow !!!1
I can see why you are puzzled.
Of course 7.0 is the pH of distilled dampen and this even turns slightly acidic(carbolic acid) when exposed to Co2, in the upper air.
Of course, "we are what we eat" but everything we eat produces sour by products :Vegetables and legumes, in finicky will produce higher pH's. Are you taking any antacids or bi carb?
A majority specific gravity (1.?) I am very surprised that this would be within a 1.025-45 range.
Of course the classic conditions (infection, renal tubular acidosis, ASA toxicity, small bowel let )could raise your pH but this is tremendously high contained by the range( normal 4.5-8.0)
If your is low, as powerfully...I would think that this is dilutional or a manifestation of diabetes insipitus or non-ketogenic diabetes.
First guess....lab error.
I any event, Nurse to Nurse, hold it redone (urine pH) and see your Doctor Soooooooooooooooooooon !
My first fad would to have it retested.
what does it tang like?
Drink more urine smells because you are not peeing enough. Drinking more hose will actually remove the wilderness from body. Not drinking enought water doesn't allow your body to work as effectively as it could when removing lavish products.

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