most likely its allergies or ur coming doing next to something..
go see a doctor freshly to make sure
pocket the allergie med. first if that duznt help see the doctor.
u can achieve it OTC [[ over the counter ]]
best of luck. my wishes toya!
Here are the most common alarm signs of strep throat, courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine:
Sore throat.
Redness of the throat.
White patches surrounded by the throat.
Difficult or painful swallowing.
Sudden disorientation.
Nausea and loss of appetite.
Swollen, tender lymph nodes in the collar.
General malaise.
(c) 2007 ScoutNews, LLC. All rights reserved.
It could be an allergy related and I would recommend seeing the doctor to see what they prescribe. It may be an allergy triggering a mild-asthmatic reaction as all right. Get it checked out and stay on it with your medical professional until it is relieved.
Sore throat is usually due to a viral infection. Gargling near warm salt water or mouthwash can downsize the pain and inconvenience. More details and home remedies available at if it is gone down visit doctor
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