Friday, December 2, 2011

??Help Me??

I woke up with a small impulsive Friday morning. It wasn't really bad & I have so much to do with getting things all set for my daughter for Prom. By Friday night, I be scratching myself everywhere, even woke myself up scratch. It was a heck of alot worse when I get up Saturday morning. So I took benadryl, IT DID NOT WORK! I have a doctors appointment Monday morning but this impetuous is getting to me extremely bad. It is 3x's as impossible as it was Friday morning. Anyone enjoy any suggestions for me until I see my doctor in the morning????????Help Me??
This manifestly sounds like an allergic hypersensitivity. To alleviate your itchiness, try applying aloe vera gel or cream. If you want more rash remedies, drop by and click on the rash contact on the left menu.
hold on to taking the benadryl, one dose of it won't help. If you're have an allergic reation to something, it will take time for the benadryl to see in. You could use Solarcaine to nick the itch out as well, but don't do much else unitl you see the dr to find out what it is
obedient luck!
You are having an allergic criticism to something. I strongly advise you to step to an ER. Have you taken any medications? Eaten any foods you enjoy not eaten previously? Used a different kind of laundry soap or tub soap or skin cream?
Please do not wait. Since the criticism is progressing, you need medical attention. Go in a minute. Do not wait for Monday.
the best solution , until you see a doctor, is to seize aveeno bath powder,use two or three near a hot bath, and soak, it will provide you near excellent TEMPORARY relief

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